Deep Thoughts

sit back, relax, laugh a little.

You dread grocery shopping. Unless you're the rare coupon cat, who wants to win the coveted annual "Yes, I'm a Coupon Cat" Award. Surprisingly, Margaret Thatcher won it 3 years in a row (1957-1959) setting a world record which still has not been broken. Congrats Marg! Keep those coupons categorized...

But that's them, right? What about us normal people? The ones that work jobs. The ones that raise children. The ones that pay taxes. The ones that love America. Grocery shopping is a chore! Right? Rumor has it that Grover Cleveland right after taking out the trash was required to go to the local produce store and pick up the groceries. A weekly chore, but he hated it! Now, there's a man that loved America. Wish I could say the same about his mother. She was Miss "Yes, I'm a Coupon Cat" 1910. Sickening, isn't?

So what are we apple-pie-loving Americans supposed to do? We must fight! We must make the grocery shopping experience enjoyable. Will you stand with me? Take up your arms soldier...

As mentioned in previous posts, the Josh Kopp Foundation (JKF) loves to perform acts of protest to promote change. Ok...we might have accidentally supported Obama. Why? He had a great slogan! Change we can believe in?! I mean how does he come up with these gems!?

So, we bombard all grocery stores with protests. We protest for change. Change we can believe in. There is hope!! (
pause) Man, that stuff gets old after a while. If all else fails, we accuse the grocery store of being racist. Badam boom, we sue. We get paid. We see change, literally. Coins jingling in our pockets. Now that's real change...


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