Deep Thoughts

sit back, relax, laugh a little.


US Open Week


I don't need to remind all of you. It's a very big week of the year. And yes, I know all of you put the dates in your calendar. So me reminding you is just wasting valuable time. Yes, my dear friends, it is US Open week in the wonderful US of A (America that is).

All you Tiger fans give me a Hey-O! All you Mickelson fans can get lost. Nobody likes a lefty. Literally, you can be racist when it comes to which hand is dominant. It's ok! Right is right, left is wrong. Been that way since the days of Adam & Eve. Don't worry. They were both right-handed. Cain was the problem. Cain wanted to be unique. He was the left-hander. He got a wife, maybe his sister. Passed on his lefthandedness. Now, to this day, we have the war of righties vs lefties.

But if you look back at history. Every
single person who has done something worth saying has been a righty. Sorry lefties, you got nothing. Oh...and you too Mickelson.


Anonymous said...

i'm offended

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