Deep Thoughts

sit back, relax, laugh a little.


Roamin' in Rome.


I've always wondered what my name would have been if I lived back in Roman times. I've only come up with a few though. There's Proxemius Glutious. Descriptive, but I don't like it. Don't know why. Oh, there's Nero. For some odd reason, that doesn't roll off the tongue so well. And plus, it brings up horrible images. And I can't put my finger on why...

Then, of course, there's Tim. I don't really think it's Roman. But what do I know about Ancient Roman history? It could be. I like Tim. Now, if I ever find myself in Ancient Rome, I know what to be called. Whew, I was getting kinda nervous for a minute there...let's just check that one off the list. Next to go, if ever faced by an angry eskimo, should I slowly confront or run like a little girl.


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