Deep Thoughts

sit back, relax, laugh a little.


Starting off...


Ok, so I've deprived all human nature of my existence. I apologize. I have decided to up the ante in my writing. No longer will I post useless journal entries about my life. Sorry all you dedicated freak fans that have no life. I have to say goodbye. So what's the new agenda?

I could waste my time all summer watching TV and playing golf. But is that really what matters? Eh, no. Let's get those brain cells a working. Let's write.

I want you to come to this blog and relax. Lau
gh your head off. Yes, you may read previous entries from my other blog...die-hard lovers of Josh world. The site is located under favorites. But on to the good stuff! Your first entry awaits...

To the Desserted Island

Immediately, you accuse the writer of a misspelling in the title. The buzzer sounds loudly at you. Incorrect. Listen up; the chance may come when a person may wind up on a deserted dessert island. You follow? Will you be ready for that day? It could happen! Think about it.

You wash up on shore. Your nose quickly perks up. What is that delicious smell? Is that batter cooking? Are cookies taking a chocolate bath? You must be delirious. You have to be. How can someone be trapped on an island and at the same ti
me smelling freshly cooked delights? Brush it off. You cannot lose your mind. As you come to yourself, you stand up and look around you. Everything seems normal. Endless seas stretch in the distance. Check. Sand stuck between your toes. Nasty check. Cupcake trees bloom in the distance. See! Everything is normal. Wait a second. Cupcakes. Yummy! You like cupcakes remember! You run and devour the ripe cupcakes. And next to the cupcake trees blossoms the brownie patch. Good thing brownies are your favorite; you grab five and stuff your pockets. Oddly, you have never seen a cupcake tree or a brownie patch! The island must be somewhere in the Pacific, obviously.

You continue to shake your head in unbelief as you push a Slim Jim beanstalk out of the way. As you do, your eyes widen. Sitting before you steaming is a giant pool of hot chocolate, not the watered down look-a-like. This chocolate just got done in the sauna. You dive in. Drink up. You do so happily.

Slowly, doughnut lily pads float toward you. They act as servants ready to serve their king. You order them in your mouth. They obey, weird. You stride out of the chocolate lake. You walk briskly to the other side of the forest.

For the first time, you look down. Twizzler grass? Are you kidding me? Could this place get any better? You continue to run past the Milky Way waterfall, and immediately you stop. Before you in all its glory, sits the Godiva Mountain. You have dreamed of this masterpiece. You look at it and even get a cavity. For years, you have longed to sink your teeth into that milk chocolate peak. The time has finally come! You start to run then sprint. You can taste the chocolate. Suddenly, as if in some odd ironic story, you trip on rock candy. Your head strikes the side of a cupcake tree. Instant darkness.

Then, your eyes open. It is your 4 o’clock class. Everyone in class is gone. It is just you and your teacher. You smile. He does not. This cannot be good. You long for those cupcake forests.


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