The moment you all have been waiting for. I give to you Chapter 6 of Untamed & Restless! I know it's been a long time since the last chapter was released. The wait was well worth it! So, if you're lost and have no idea what Untamed & Restless is. Catch up on the previous chapters...
Many people ask what genre Untamed & Restless is. Simply, it's a comedic, action-packed, dramatic novel that will keep you on the edge of your seats. Still hesitant to read? Just try chapter 1, if you're not happy with the reading, I don't know what I'll do.

"Please do."

Untamed & Restless
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Grandfather began to share his story. He was a bit perturbed. Maybe because of his ulna jotting out of his arm or maybe because their was no place-set ready for him. Who knows. Whatever the case, he stared angrily at his son, Mr. McConnell.
He opened his mouth, "Boys, let me tell you the truth about what happened many many years ago." He approached his son and laid his hand on his son's shoulder. Blood spilled all over the neatly pressed white shirt. Mr. McConnell just held his breath.
Grandfather continued, "You see my boys, I was framed. Caught with my hand in the cookie jar. In the wrong place at the wrong time. Innocent as all get out. I don't know how else to put it; my whole life was ruined because of one mishap. It all started over 35 years ago...
*Insert blurring transition to indicate going back in time*
Granfather got a little dizzy from the blurring. He swayed so he took a Vicodin. He popped in another just for good luck. Gotta be sure! Well, the boys had already fallen asleep. Grandfather grunted, "like I was saying, it all happened a long time ago."
*Insert quicker blurring transition so audience doesn't get motion sickness.
"I was about 34 years old, about the age of you Blake, but way more successful and handsome. I was a man." Blake grimaced. Remember, he was still a boy. Every jab at his masculinity cut skin deep.
"I was a clerk at the local five and dime store selling Dreidel's to whomever would buy. It was hard business. But I'd made ends meet. Your grandmother..."
And on and on the story went for about 3 hours. Blake and Benjie had fallen asleep by now, and Mr. McConnell was fighting sleep with every weapon in his arsenal. The mace, the archer's bow, and even the Bec de Corbin were struggling to fight off the eyelids. It was quite a battle! While this tragic war was taking place, one of Mr. McConnell's eyes caught sight of a family photo. Good times he thought. But interestingly within the photo was Grandfather. Something was different. The grandfather in the picture looked entirely different than the jabbering one standing in front of them.
Mr. McConnell held up his hand for the man to stop. "And after making it all the way from the parade and seeing President Truman without his toupee, I...," the man stopped mid-sentence. "Yes?" he asked.
Mr. McConnell calmly questioned, "How do you spell your last name?"
"Well, how everyone in our family does silly, M-c-p-C-o-n-n-e-l-l. The p is silent! Everyone knows that!" Grandfather McpConnell informed.
Mr. McConnell continued, "Ahh, I see. Well, there's been a terrible mistake. You see your with the wrong Jewish family. Our last name is spell M-c-C-o-n-n-e-l-l. Also, I think this is a good time for me to apologize for breaking your ulna in half."
The man chuckled, "Ho ho ho, don't apologize! I'm the one at fault! Ho ha haa, I thought that you were...oh my. This is going to be quite a story. Huh? I don't even know you people. Oh, well I better get going huh? Don't want to intrude!"
Father McConnell shook his head and asked, "Could I get like a towel or something for your arm? I mean your clothes are soaked with blood."
The man responded, "Oh no, no need to. I just need to...umm...need to find my family. Where am I. Hmm. Well, I better get on that. I'll just see myself out?"
"Please do."
The door opened and slammed. And with that Blake and Benjie woke up. Benjie exclaimed, "What was that?"
"Nothing son, eat your dinner," said Father. Mr. McConnell sat in the cushioned dining room chair. His eyes landed on his TV dinner. He sighed heavily. A cold dead lamb stared straight back at him.