I’m writing this post because maybe you share the same annoyances with me. We all need to vent. Sure, it’s a short writing. But hey, I need to get these things off my chest. I suggest you do the same. Get that issue out the open. You don’t like cucumbers? Tell us why.

Here’s my list:
1. Giant Radio Antennas on Sedans
- (please explain the need for a Sears-Tower-like Antenna projecting from your roof?)
2. John Madden
- (I’m not inherently bothered by him, but by how the media just threw him into the gutter. Where has his face been these past 9 months? He’s a founding father for crying out loud!)
3. Perms
- (Give me one benefit, just one…)
4. Duct Tape Windows on Clunkers
- (Also, if you could, please smoke excessively with the windows rolled up. It just adds value to the car. Thanks so much.)
5. Pretzels & Onions
- (Actually 3 countries have already declared war on these formidable foes, we're gonna need more help.)
Whew, I feel a whole lot better! I think I’m gonna go run for president. See what happens when you get everything off your chest? It’s amazing!
Would you put your shirt back on? Sheesh…
Rebuttal in defense of the innocent objects that bother josh kopp
1. Radio Antennas on Sedans
How else am i supposed to pick up 980 WTMJ when i am driving in the mountains? Get real.
2 John Madden
One simple word: Retired
3. Perms
Permed hair is fireproof,bulletproof, helmet-like, and q-tipish to name a few benefits
4. Duct tape Windows on Clunkers
It is clear you know nothing about clunkers. The duct tape is there to keep the smoke in!
5. Pretzels and Onions
Used for currency in 4 different countries, so there.
And i can take my shirt off if i want
Beautiful analyzation. I guess nothing's bugging me anymore. Hahahaa...
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