You can also read this article on the New America website.
Let’s be honest. Americans struggle with mornings. When I even mention the word “morning,” people go into cardiac arrest, which I can understand, because we’re still digesting that monster bacon cheeseburger from last night’s partying. The glorious snooze button becomes a savior to us, providing that extra time for delightful digestion (gurgle, gurgle).
If a foreign country wanted to conquer America, here’s a suggestion: attack at dawn carrying McDonald’s. Seriously, I don’t know what we’d do—oh wait…yeah I do, we’d probably go into cardiac arrest. Ironic.
Now, I’m not going to write about obesity, laziness, politics, or the digestion process, although all of these topics are plaguing society today. Believe me, the blogs are just steaming about the digestive tract debate.
There is a solution for all you night owls. You can enjoy your mornings. It’s simple. Wake up to the music.
Let’s walkthrough a typical American morning…
-Hit Snooze
-Hit Snooze…repeat 3 more times
-Finally wakeup (angry that you’re alarm clock didn’t wake you up earlier)
-Shower & get ready
-Shuffle off to work/school
-Work (more shuffling)
-Eat lunch
Exciting huh?
Why are we wasting our mornings? They make up a third of our lives (heavy research has been done to discover this). Revamp your mornings. Add music.
Pick a song you love and associate it with mornings. Mental connections help the body to respond quicker (like using word pictures when studying). So when you hear that favorite song, your body releases endorphins, which make you feel good. Crazy, I know. Feeling good in the mornings? Who would have thought? Wake up to the music.
END SCIENCE LESSON! And all-caps as well.
Can I offer a song suggestion? Try “Today is the Day” by Lincoln Brewster. If this song doesn’t get you excited about the day ahead, I don’t know what will. Lincoln shares a powerful message along with an uplifting melody (needed in the mornings). He looks forward to the new day and rejoices in how God has made it.
Simple message, powerful song.
The song asks: how can we worry? How can we fear? Today is the day He has made! Will you rejoice and be glad in it?
In no way can I adequately describe the song. Find it. Listen to it.
Change your perspective on mornings. Look at the day as a gift from God. Look at the morning as a gift from God. I will praise you O Lord for whatever this day brings!
So wake up to the music. Let it focus your mind to what God has graciously given you…another day to praise Him.
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