Deep Thoughts

sit back, relax, laugh a little.


Lincoln Memorial.


I really don't like vandalism. And if I ever catch a vandal disgracing any of our memorial statues, I might go on a rampage. So much so, if I see a man spray-painting a frowny-face on President Lincoln. I will just have to speak up. Because, I do not tolerate that kind of action you see. Just call me old-fashioned. But I like President Lincoln how he is. And I think he does too.

President's don't need a blue mustache. Really. If someone even thinks toilet-papering the Washington Monument...well, first thing. Good luck. That thing is really tall, pointy, and looks nothing like our Founding Father. Well it is gray. George did have gray hair...

So all you vandals out there. Beware. I'm on a war against vandalism. And vandals. I like the word vandals, that why I used it. But seriously. Watch out. Yes, I may be all the way in sunny SC. But I'm only a 2 hour flight away. After I book it. And make sure there are seats...and I have to pack...And I know you won't move for at least that long. You'll be scared stiff. Yeah. Stiffly scared. I'm watching...well, the news. To see if anything happens. But yeah...I'm watching.


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